Welcome to the virtual exhibition of our course projects to document COVID-19 as it unfolds around us. As our collections develop, we will continue to add to this site. Today, we hope you will take the time to browse through Paul James' poetic photo-journal of being in lockdown in New England, George Cole's journal from Barnstable, Massachusetts, and Jaron Berman's diary and growing collection of documents, providing a vivid picture of lockdown in Boulder County, Colorado, as well as how Georgetown University students have expressed their reactions to the university's response to the crisis. If you are a teacher or community archivist hoping to organize your students or community to begin documenting the pandemic or are simply interested in starting your own archive, please feel free to use the resources I've made available here. I hope to expand that collection in the coming weeks.
Stay safe, stay home.
Dr. Ananya Chakravarti